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Q: What is a perrenial plant with yellow flowers used in medicine and dyeing?
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What is a perennial plant with serrated leaves four petalled yellow flowers and an astringent root used in medicine and dyeing?


What is solution dyeing?

Red and Yellow dye.

Why do wattle flowers look yellow?

Wattle flowers are yellow.

Why are vegtabels flowers all yellow?

Vegetable flowers are not all yellow.

A plant common in Europe used in dyeing wool a yellow color?


Is there such thing as a blue hibiscus flower?

No, there are no naturally occurring blue hibiscus flowers. Hibiscus flowers typically come in shades of red, pink, yellow, and white. Any blue hibiscus flowers you may see are likely a result of dyeing or genetic modification.

What is the name of a primula with clusters of yellow flowers?

Primroses are a type of primula with yellow flowers.

What color are buttercup flowers?

Buttercup flowers are typically yellow in color, ranging from pale yellow to a vibrant golden yellow.

What plant with yellow flowers and starts with mar?

if i am correct the marigold has yellow flowers and has "mar" in its name.

Which flower is used as a dye?

The marigold flower is commonly used as a natural dye due to its vibrant orange and yellow hues. The petals of the flower can be used to create a range of colors, from soft yellows to deep oranges, depending on the dyeing process.

What color is a whattle flower?

Whattle (Acacia so. ) flowers are yellow. There is some variation in the brightness of the flowers between whattle species. Some species have quite bright yellow flowers, whereas others have pale yellow flowers. Some species have very pale flowers which appear to be white, but the most common colour is yellow.

Are flowers of sulfur sulfur?

Yes, flowers of sulfur are a type of sulfur. It refers to sulfur that has been sublimed, meaning it has been vaporized and then condensed into a solid form resembling small yellow crystals or powder. Flowers of sulfur are often used in various applications such as traditional medicine and gardening.