Euphydryas sibirica was created in 1871.
Sibirocosa sibirica was created in 1908.
Ethmia sibirica was created in 1975.
Paraplatyptilia sibirica was created in 1983.
Perittia sibirica was created in 1992.
Digitivalva sibirica was created in 1958.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Pusa sibirica (formerly Phoca sibirica).
The name would be Larix decidua.
Larch Larix. Dawn redwood Metasequoia glyptstoboides .
Siberian Iris is it's common name.
Metasequoia, Larix (Larch) Ginko (Maidenhair Tree) Glyptostrobus .
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Allactaga sibirica.