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Q: What is a large tropical west African tree yielding hard wood?
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Is tropical water hard water?

Tropical refers to the temperature of the water; aquariums can be tropical and hard, or tropical and soft water. Water hardness is simply a measure of the mineral content of the water.

What is the opposite of soft?

Soft means yielding readily to touch or pressure, easily penetrated or changed in shape. The opposite would be hard, solid and firm to the touch.

Do tropical fish need hard or soft water?

Tropical simply refers to fish that are from the tropics, and does not denote an entire, uniform group. There are many types of tropical fish, and they all come from areas of the world which are hot, but that don't have similar water characteristics.In other words, some fish need hard water, and some fish need soft water. For example, most of the tropical fish from South America prefer soft water. In contrast, fish from the African Rift Valley Lakes, also a tropical area, require very hard way hozay

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A brittle material fractures without haven a large strain on beforehand. Examples are most ceramics, of extremely hard steel. The opposite is ductile.

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The Spanish used African slaves for labor in the colonies due to the high demand for workers to support industries like mining, agriculture, and construction. They believed that African slaves were better suited for the hard labor in tropical climates and were considered more economically viable due to the existing slave trade networks in Africa.

Is African blackwood a hard or soft wood?

hard wood

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How is the tropical climate a disadvantage for Africa?

there is no answer

What is the habitat of banana tree?

Bananas are tropical perennial plants (not true trees). The original species are native to Indonesia and Malaysia, have many large, hard seeds, and must be cooked. The modern edible cultivars were introduced to Central and South America by the Portuguese.

Scientific name of timber yielding plant belonging to the family dipterocarpaceae?

Shorea robusta, commonly known as Sal tree, is a timber-yielding plant belonging to the family Dipterocarpaceae. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia and is valued for its hard, durable timber.

What is it like to be a African child?

It is very hard

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food webs and food chains are hard to find for the tropical Savannah trust me I've tried