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Q: What is a example of organic matter?
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What is an example of organic matter?

Sugar ~Apex

Why does mold only grow on organic materials?

Yes, mold does grow on organic matter. For example, mold will grow on feces, and feces is organic matter.

What is an example of organic carbon?

An example of organic carbon is found in living organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as in organic matter like decaying plant material, compost, and soil organic matter. Organic carbon is a key component of the carbon cycle and plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth.

Does organic matter kill freshwater fish?

Excessive organic matter, especially decaying matter, can build up to toxic levels and kills freshwater fish. An example would be uneaten food or feces breaking down.

Soil is an example of what matter?

Soil is an example of organic matter that includes decomposed plant and animal material mixed with minerals and nutrients.

What is 'organic matter' in Dutch?

'Organische stof' is a Dutch equivalent of 'organic matter'.

What is organic mater mean?

Organic matter is any living matter such as animal meat or plant matter.

In a wheelbarrow you have 2 kilos of soil If 8 percent is organic matter how many grams of organic matter do we have?

16 Grams of organic matter, solvce problem

How much percentag of organic matter in cherries?

There is 84 percentage of organic matter in cherries.

What organisms dead organic matter?

the dead organic matter is overtaken by new plants.

What is another term for decayed organic matter?

Another term for decayed organic matter is "humus".

Which component of the biosphere is an example of organic matter?

Plants, animals, and microorganisms are examples of organic matter within the biosphere. These organisms contain carbon-based molecules and play a crucial role in cycling nutrients and energy within ecosystems.