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Q: What is a Mexican succulent plant called?
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What plant has stems that can store water?

Plants that store water in tissue are called succulent plants.

A plant that stores water in its tissue is called what?

The general name is a succulent or a cactus.

Give you a sentence using the word succulent?

That is a succulent fruit. The succulent plant needs little water.

What has the author Succulent Plant Institute written?

Succulent Plant Institute. has written: 'Gymnocalyciums' -- subject(s): Cactus, Gymnocalycium

Who is noni?

Grandma, or a succulent plant.

What does the word succulent?

A succulent plant conserves water. Example: Cactus Succulent means fleshy, pulpy, juicy - moist and tasty.

How can a succulent grow from a leaf?

A succulent can grow from a leaf through a process called propagation. When a leaf is removed from the plant and placed in soil, it can develop roots and eventually grow into a new plant. This method allows succulents to reproduce and expand their population.

What is a succulent plant with purple flowers?


What is a sentence for the word succulent'?

The succulent plant in the terracotta pot thrived in the sunny window.

Is jade potsdam a kind of a plant?

no, but there is a succulent plant named jade.

Where is the cricket in you spy mystery?

On the first page, theres a succulent plant by a cactus. The cricket is on one of the succulent leaves

Can you plant succulent leaves to propagate new plants"?

Yes, you can propagate new succulent plants by planting their leaves.