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How do I make my Chronic grow faster?!..

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Q: What helps chronic plants grow buds faster?
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Which of marijuana plants produces buds?

Female plants will produce buds...

What has terminal buds?

plants have terminal buds

Do female plants make buds?


How do you get huge buds?

Start with huge plants

Can primary growth occur at both the apical and lateral meristems?

The difference between apical meristems and lateral meristems are the location that they sprout buds on plants. Apical buds are present at the top of plants, while lateral buds are present at the base of plants.

Can taste buds burst?

Yes Taste buds can burst, They call these Bursted taste buds and in time it will heal I am not positive if there is medicine for it to heal faster though.

Can you smoke buds on a hermaphrodite weed plants?

Get off the dole

Does rubbing lotion on breast buds help them develop faster?

No, all you can do is wait.

What might a florist spray his plants with to encourage buds to open?


What parts of the plants that can be use as spices?

Stem bark, leaves flower buds and mature fruits.

Where are auxins produce?

Auxins are substances that promote stem elongation and inhibit the growth of lateral buds. They are produced in the stem buds and root tips of plants.

What features helps identify nodes on a stem?

Nodes on a stem can be identified by the presence of buds, leaves, branches, or flowers emerging from that point. They are usually slightly swollen compared to the internodes (spaces between nodes) and can vary in size and shape depending on the plant species. Additionally, nodes are where leaves are typically attached to the stem.