It can cause you to vomit, have abdominal pain and reduce your heart rate.
Beavers, muskrats, ducks, porcupines, and snails eat water lilies
It's very poisonous. Never eat it. It will cause extreme pain for an hour or so; it can also swell your lips and throat.Zantedeschia aethiopica (common names are arum lily; calla lily, and varkoor.Most lilies are toxic. Never eat what you cannot clearly and unquestioningly identify.
african water lily's eat
well it depends. you might have an upset stomach, diahrea, or you might be fine. it depends on how much you ate. how you are going to be ok! :)
no lily pads do not eat because they are plants but they do have roots.
well frogs sit on them so maybe the frogs take a bite now and then? frogs do not eat lily pads. There are several critters than can eat your lily pads, from certain fish to aphids and snails and larval caterpillar type bugs.
The animals that eat the desert lily are desert animals. Some examples of these animals are insects, reptiles, and tortoises.
i wouldn't feed it a lily pad but it would and could eat anything softer than it's teeth
because your meant to eat food and your not supposed to touch it. :)