There are a number of flowers that bloom year round in Texas due to the mild temperatures. These include the Lady Banks rose and the coral honeysuckle.
If flowers bloom on New Year's Day, it will be a prosperous year.
Typically, paperwhite flowers would be planted in the spring after the last frost. These flowers can be grown indoors year-round and are often forced to bloom in December for Christmas.
Though this is a good question, it is impossible to give a good answer to because the answer is so dependent on where you live in the country. If you live in central Florida, there are certain vegetables you can grow year-round with ease. If you live in Michigan, it pretty much comes down to parsley.
This will vary according to locality. I find in a Mediterranean climate that ivy-leafed pelargoniums, alyssum, some daisies, and pansies flower throughout the year.
Some common myths about flowers that people often believe include the idea that all flowers are fragrant, that all flowers need direct sunlight to thrive, and that all flowers bloom year-round.
The type of flowers that bloom every year without replanting includes perennial flowers. Roses, Plumbago, and hibiscus flowers are all examples of those perennial flowers.
Hummingbirds feed on nectar and live in tropical climates where flowers are in bloom all year round.
Tulips bloom in Spring. It usually depends where you live.
Yes they bloom year round if in a green house or tropical area.
In the NE usually in the spring and summer months when it is warm and flowers are in bloom. In the Western states some hummingbirds stay year round if there is enough food available. In places where they can't stay year round they migrate south where it is warmer.
Those that seed themselves might.