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The birth flower for the month of October is Calendula (Marigold).

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Calendula (Marigold

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Q: What flower is the October flower?
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What is the flower for October?

The flower of October is a cosmos. The alternate is a calendula.

What is the birth flower for October?

The October birth flower is the Calendula (Marigold).

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Which is the flower of the month in october

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=== === The State flower is the Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) adopted on October 1, 1942.

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Maryoku Yummy - 2010 Scatterday The Golden Flower was released on: USA: 29 October 2010

When was the rose named the official national flower of the US?

The rose became the official U.S. flower on October 7, 1986. Source is United States facts in brief in World Book.