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Compost is like fertilizer for flowers. Your carnations will grow bigger.

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Q: What effect will compost have on growing a carnation?
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Related questions

What happens when a carnation dies?

When a carnation dies due to disease, it should be disposed of in garden waste. Never compost a flower that dies of disease because it can return to other flowers in your garden.

What is the orange mold growing in your kitchen compost bin?

If you have orange mold growing in your kitchen compost bin, you need to take your compost out. Mold is hot healthy to have in your house.

Is compost good for growing plants?

Compost is great for plants absolutely the best thing! All of the nutrients from the food are absorbed into the compost. Yes! Use it!

When to compost garden?

After the growing season. Place compost on all growing areas, don't worry too much if it hasn't decomposed, the worms will drag it underground over the winter, fertilising and aerating the soil.

If you put mushrooms from your lawn in the compost bin will the resulting compost grow thousands of mushrooms?

If your compost gets hot, like it's supposed to, then it will kill the mushroom spores and you will not have mushrooms growing in your bin.

Does putting compost on your plant effect its growth?

Yes. It helps.

What would happen if you cross a red carnation with a white carnation?

A white carnation crossed with a red carnation makes a pink carnation.

What is an alabaster carnation?

An alabaster carnation is a white carnation flower.

How and when do you apply compost to the soil?

In colder climates that only have one growing season, you apply compost only once a year to your garden. In the fall time, after your growing season has finished, you would mix the compost into the soil in your garden, allowing it to decompose further through the winter. This will give you a garden bed of nutrient rich soil come spring time. In warmer climates that effectively have 2 growing seasons, or grow year around, you would apply compost to the soil in the fall and in the spring before planting your next round of plants. You can also add compost to the soil during the heat of the summer when nothing is growing, to help reduce erosion, maintain moisture, and to help combat weeds. For best results, apply compost by digging and turning a foot deep of soil and then folding the compost into the loose soil.

Where is the Carnation Library in Carnation located?

The address of the Carnation Library is: 4804 Tolt Avenue, Carnation, WA 98014.

How will food coloring effect a white carnation?

Actually, if you put a white carnation in food coloring, the carnations will turn that color. Example: Put a white carnation in red food coloring. In a few weeks, the flower will turn red.

How can you stop plants that are growing in your compost bin?

You Should Uproot Them So That They Won't Grow Again