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Seedling is one seed, it is the singular of the plural "Seeds"

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Q: What does the term seedling mean?
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What is the term for a young plant?

it is called a seedling inless it has 2 leaves then it is not a plant its a sprout

When was The Seedling Stars created?

The Seedling Stars was created in 1957.

How is a seedling different from adult an plants?

Seedling does not have flower or fruit

How many syllables in seedling?

Two. Seedling is bisyllabic (seed-ling).

How many pages does The Seedling Stars have?

The Seedling Stars has 185 pages.

How do seed leaves help the seedling?

seed leaves provide food for the seedling

A young plant is called a?

a young plant is called a seedling

What does the seedling symbolizes in 'the seedling' by Paul Laurence Dunbar?

In "The Seedling" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the seedling symbolizes the potential for growth and renewal. It represents the young and tender beginnings of life, suggesting hope and promise for the future. The poem uses the seedling as a metaphor to convey the idea of resilience and the ability to overcome challenges.

How do you obtain dry mass of a seedling?

To obtain the dry mass of a seedling, first carefully remove the seedling from the soil or growth medium. Next, gently pat the seedling with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. Then, place the seedling in an oven set to a low temperature (around 60-70°C) for a few hours until the seedling reaches a constant weight, indicating that all moisture has been removed. Finally, weigh the seedling to determine its dry mass.

How long is the life cycle of sunflowers?

If it was in the wild the life cycle is from seedling to seedling and that is typically a year...

Is the young of a bird's nest fern called a seedling?

no, the Young bird's nest fern called a seedling

What is seedling compost?

seedling compost is decomposed manure as it is higher in nutrients therfore better for planting seeds