

What does seaweed survive on?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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9y ago

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Seaweeds can and can survive in all the oceans around world and on earth. ...

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13y ago
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11y ago

They can survive in water because the thickness of its fronds protect it from salt water

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13y ago

Sea grass survives by absorbing sunlight and performing a special photosynthesis, due to the fact that it's underwater.

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12y ago

they have moisture in their roots that feeds them water

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they have moisture in their roots that feeds them water

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Many species of lobsters eat seaweed. Seaweed provides many of the nutrients the lobster needs to survive and they will supplement their diet with other foods.

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How does seaweed survive?

The term "seaweed" is a general term used to describe a wide variety of non-vascular aquatic plants, or algae. seaweed uses sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to create food. For this reason, seaweed must grow near the ocean's surface.

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well if seaweed was stait and hard,it wouldn't be able to move so it would die and die but because it flexible the seaweed is able to flow with the seas current

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sushi, cats, dirt, dead fish, seaweed, apples, and frosy flakes,

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Yes, some snails do eat seaweed. However, depending on the species of the snail, some also eat moss as their daily meal.

Do Great White Sharks eat seaweed?

No, Great White Sharks are carnivorous predators and primarily feed on marine mammals like seals, fish, and sometimes even other sharks. They do not eat seaweed as it does not provide them with the necessary nutrients and energy they need to survive.

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seaweed seaweed seaweed