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Q: What does harvest a plant mean?
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'We sow in order to reap', or 'we plant so that we can harvest'.

What is mean by grow foods?

To grow food is to plant food, watch it develop into a crop you can eat, and harvest it. :):):):):)

What part of the pot plant do i harvest?

depends on the plant

How do you harvest plants in wizard 101?

When your plant is ready to harvest ( when you're in garden mode, scroll over it and it will say click to harvest) you just have to click it and you will have harvested a plant!

What are antonyms of harvest?

seed, plant

What is the term for paying a landowner to plant and harvest a crop?

The term used to refer to the action of paying a landowner to plant and harvest a crop is "sharecropping".

How long does a lentil plant live?

A lentil plant typically has a lifespan of around 90-100 days from planting to harvest. After harvest, the plant will naturally start to senesce and die.

What are the unique crops on FarmVille?

if you are wondering this about the awards, "unique" just means different. for wxample if u plant strawberries and harvest themm, then plant strawberries to harvest them later again. you will have harvested only 1 unique (different) crop. where as if you harvest your first strawberries, then plant and harvest squash you will have harvested 2 unique (different) crops.

What tool is needed to harvest crops in minecraft?

You do not need a tool to harvest crops but you need a hoe to plant them

Where do you get a yam in harvest moon?

Go plant it. Buy the seeds from the shop. But which harvest moon game are you talking about?

Can you harvest ginseng without killing it?

no.. its a plant. woww

Is it OK to harvest a bud plant early?

I wouldn't but you can.