it depends on how it is planted. plants growing outside tend to be stronger than plants growing inside. also it depends on how long u let it grow. but in an educated guess id say about 6 feet outside 4 feet inside.
his body is to small for his heart. so he is growing from the inside but not the outside. hope it helped :D
A door is a common object that fits this description. When a door is closed, it appears as a solid barrier on the outside but allows entry to the inside. When the door is open, the inside becomes visible from the outside, blurring the distinction between the two spaces.
That is the correct spelling for inside and outside. Inside a structure is the interior and the outside is the exterior.
Inside plants are typically houseplants that are suited for indoor environments with less light and humidity. Outside plants, or outdoor plants, are typically garden plants that require more sunlight and outdoor growing conditions. The choice between inside and outside plants depends on growing conditions and the specific needs of the plant species.
Sometimes it is better if you keep your plant inside. If you want your plant to be growing faster you have to use fertilizer and keep it outside
he is going to get a new body there because his organs are growing inside but he is not growing outside.
Nothing is growing there. Or at least is supposed to be growing there.
The perimeter is both on the outside and the inside of a shape, as it is basically the outside wall/border of a shape and can therefore be viewed from the outside or the inside.
The perimeter is both on the outside and the inside of a shape, as it is basically the outside wall/border of a shape and can therefore be viewed from the outside or the inside.
Outside The Inside was created in 2005.
Outside Inside was created in 1983-03.