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Q: What does a wind vine do?
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What does a wind vine measure?

A wind vane measures wind direction, however if you are seeking speed of the wind, you would also use an anemometer. The weather stations today would normally have both the wind vane and the anemometer.

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Why would a perfectly healthy passion fruit vine blossom without fruit forming?

It takes about 3 years for the vine to fruit. Also, it does not pollinate by wind or by shaking. The flowers are much too sticky. You can hand pollinate though. Hope this helped. Good luck

How do water melon disperse its seeds?

Over time, if the watermelon is left on the vine, the melon will rot and the seeds will sprout. The seeds are too heavy to blow in the wind.

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What is the birth name of Lamesha Vine?

Lamesha Vine's birth name is Lamesha Vine.

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1. vine

Wisteria Vine?

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How do you pronounce bovine?

Bow-Vine (as in the plant vine)