First things first it's not a rose but a ruffled tulip. And it symbolizes the love with Jacob and Bella, but the messed of 'ruffled'- just like the ruffled tulip the ruffled part stands for the messed up love between Edward abd Bells.
You would probably have to call specialty flower shops. Sometimes you can find them in nature as well. Though it would probably be quite difficult. I would definitely call flower shops. There is a silk version of the Estella Rijiveld/red & white parrot ( ruffled ) tulip on Ebay. The real tulip only blooms in late Spring and unless grown by a private grower, they cannot be found mass produced.
Here is what I think. As you can see, the flower is wilting, but still alive. This is like Edward and Bella's relationship. Even though it went through a rough patch, it was and forever will be still very alive.
The ruffled tulip represents transformation and new beginnings, which ties in with the themes of growth and change in "New Moon." The tulip also symbolizes love and passion, reflecting the romantic elements of the story between Bella and Edward.
It is a white tulip with red around the edges of the petals
The meaning of a ruffled tulip is love, for Twilight, when edward found out Bella jumped off a clif (but didn't die) he thought she was dead and since the flowers at the meadow were they meet were dead, it was like every single drop of Bella's blood had been spilled and the love of his life was gone, except Edwards love for Bella
It is the ruffled grouse.
like a parrot idiot
"Carrot" sounds like parrot and they're orange, on the other hand if you're saying it makes a sound like a parrot, you might be talking about a Macaw.
I'd like to know how to be a parrot in the first place?
um like other plants