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pineapples don't grow on trees.

Click on 'related links' below to see a picture of a pineapple plant.

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Q: What does a pine apple tree look like?
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What is a close relative to the pine tree?

an apple tree

What does the evergreen tree look like?

Lace bark pine

How does an apple look when it is planted?

Like a tree...

What does a banana tree look like in lpso?

it looks like an ordinary tree. (not a pine tree) nothing like a bananna tree in real life.

Is an apple an apple?

Though there are many varieties, an apple from a tree will always be an apple.However, an Apple computer can never be an apple from a tree. And while you can cut and divide up an apple (from a tree) and have it still be an apple (in pieces), you can never cut and divide up an Apple computer and have it still look like or work like an Apple computer.

What seed plants are known as angiosperms?

any plant that has a flower or fruit such as a magnolia tree, apple tree, etc. if the plant just has cones like a pine tree, fir tree, etc. then it is a gymnosperm.

Which correctly distinguishes between a pine tree and an apple tree?

thi is a stupied site itr dones not hel me at all An apple is a fruit bearing deciduous tree of the Malus family. A pine is an evergreen conifer, so the difference is obvious as the seedlings grow.

What do you call the thing that falls from a tree that look kinda like an acorn but it's spiky?

Pine Cones

What characteristics connect an apple tree seedling and a pine tree seedling?

they are different seed so i thing different characteristics

What does christmas smell like?

like a pine tree covered in cinnamon and happiness

What wood name begins with a p?

Palm, Palmetto, Peach, Pear, Pecan, Pine, Plum and Popular are trees.

Does midway island have any trees?

Yes, I was told they were an Australian ironwood tree when I was there. They look like pine trees.