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Manuka is a tree with small flowers.

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What is manuka?

manuka is a new zealand tree

What type of tree is manuka timber from?

The Manuka tree...

What is manuka honey in Tamil?

Manuka honey in Tamil is மனுகா மேலா.

What do manuka honey bees have as their primary food?

Manuka honey bees produce Manuka honey which comes largely from new Zealand. These bees feed on the flowers of the Manuka plant in order to produce the honey.

When was Gentian Manuka born?

Gentian Manuka was born on 1991-08-02.

Is manuka a dicotyledon or monocotyledon?

Manuka is a dicotyledon, which means it belongs to the group of flowering plants that have two seed leaves.

What is the scientific name for a manuka tree?

The scientific name for the manuka tree is Leptospermum scoparium. It is native to New Zealand and is known for its medicinal properties and the production of manuka honey.

What eats manuka seeds?

The larvae of leptosperid beetles, and certain birds such as the rukoko, eat manuka seeds.

The maori word for tea tree?

The Maori word for tea tree is "manuka."

Is the manuka tree a protected species?

Manuka trees are not a protected species, but the manuka honey industry has led to increased interest in protecting manuka trees due to their importance in honey production. In New Zealand, efforts are being made to conserve manuka forests due to their ecological significance and economic value.

What plant did the maori use to reduce fever and colds that started with t?

Manuka (Tea Tree)In native Maori medicine, the manuka was used for a number of ailments; Colds were treated by boiling the manuka leaves and inhaling the vapor.

How do bees make manuka honey?

Bees create manuka honey by collecting nectar from the flowers of the manuka tree. They then bring this nectar back to the hive, where it is broken down by enzymes and stored in the honeycomb. The unique properties of manuka honey, such as its high antibacterial and healing qualities, come from the nectar of the manuka tree.