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Camouflage (black and white stripes)

Speed, they can run fast when they need to

They are herd animals, grazing in a herd offers protection
Zebras stay together in a herd to have a smaller chance of getting attacked by predators like hyenas, lions, and leopards. A zebra herd usually has between 5 and 20 animals. Scientists think that the zebras stripes make a blur for predators so it will be harder for them to pick out a zebra to attack. This only works when there are a lot of zebras together. The stripes also make a zebra look bigger. There is a lot of danger for zebras. When crossing a river zebras have to watch out for alligators. Zebras do not have a defense against alligators. They just have to keep moving so they can get out of the river faster. Zebras have flexible ears. They can move them in all directions so they can hear things all around them. This is another way to avoid and escape from predators. Zebras also have a good sense of smell, good eyesight, and excellent hearing. All these senses help them to avoid predators.

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7y ago
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15y ago

Zebras protect themselves by either the old technique of running away until the slowest or weakest is left behind or they will rarely circle the predator which causes the threat to become disoriented and run away

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11y ago

They have two main defence mechanisms.

1: They kick their back legs (sometimes called a buck)

2: In some cases they will use their mouths to bite people.

However in most cases they will buck which is extremely powerful and other mammals take that into account when preying on zebras.

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16y ago

They run as fast as they can and hope they don't get caught, like wild horses do.

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11y ago

it's belived Some times zebras' run away with their legs.

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14y ago

zebras face wild animals such as lions and hyenas.

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12y ago

Zebras get away from preditors like the lion by getting in a group with other zebras and run away close they also do that to hide their babies from preditors

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12y ago

They probably run away fast

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How is a zebra protected by its shape position and colour?

The Zebras colors are helpful since they all have stripes the lion thinks like 5 zebras are one whole zebra and it takes along while for the lion to understand that's one zebra and by then all the zebras ran away

When a lion takes a herd of zebras by surprise the zebras start running in all directions instead of fleeing together Why do the zebras do this?

When zebras run in different directions, the blending of their stripes confuses the lion.

How do zebras react to predators?

The herd will stampede in a bid to get away, hoping their fleeing numbers will confuse an attacking lion pride.

What Animals hunt zebras?

one animal that hunts zebras is the lion.

What is the food web of a white lion?

the white lion eats the zebras

How do zebras keep safe from predators if they are close by?

A zebras stripes are actually camouflage to a colorblind lion. If they are standing still a lion can completely overlook it.

What are the lion's prey?

impala, zebras ,warthog.

Was is an animal that eats antelope and zebras?

A lion :0

What is a hyenas favorite food?

lion cubs

What is the symbiotic relationship between wildebeest and lion?

Cheetahs and lions are predators, and zebras are prey.

How does zebra get hurt?

zebras get hurt if a lion comes after them and tackles them

Do Grevy's zebras have enemies?

yes, they do. they're enemy is the lion