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everything that came from a plant. avoid adding meat and milk products cos they stink and atract street cats and stray dogs. also avoid dog feces as they may contain diseases. cow and other grass eating animals manure is fine.

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16y ago
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15y ago

As for yard waste you can add grass clippings, leaves, pulled up plants or weeds that haven't gone to seed, hay or straw and dirt. You can also add sawdust if is from untreated wood. The thing is you don't want to add too much of any one thing or it gets out of whack. A compost pile needs both carbon material and nitrogen material to stay in balance. By making sure that you have some of many different types of things in your pile you will ensure that it stays in balance. There are many food items that can be added to a compost pile. Coffee grounds, used tea bags, melon rinds, peelings, corn cobs, egg shells, fruits and vegetables. If something has gone bad in your fridge or on your counter it might be great for your compost pile. You do NOT want to add any meats, eggs or dairy products to your pile. You can tear up cardboard boxes, shred newspapers and even break styrofoam into small pieces and add it to compost piles. I just make sure not to add too much of these ingredients.

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13y ago

a compost needs vegetable's and fruit . but of course you don't put them whole you grind them up. its also good to put worms in the compost

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11y ago

biodegradable substances

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Q: What do you put in compost bins?
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Can caterpillars be put in compost bins?

No, caterpillars cannot be put in compost bins. Caterpillars represent the larval stages of butterflies and moths. A compost bin will not support the life cycles and natural histories that lepidopterans must experience to breed, feed and fly.

What things can be put into the compost bins?

well you put apples,bannana skins,grass and thing like that

Where can compost bins be put in winter?

Basements and garages are places to put compost bins in winter. It is possible to compost year-round in some places, in which case bins may remain in place and functional as long as air, heat, light, and moisture requirements can be met. Otherwise, it tends to be a good idea to keep the bin out of the way of foraging wildlife and inclement weather.

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How does compost bins saves energy?

it save energy by.............................................

How do compost bins help you?

compost bins help us by taking certain live trash and making it a nutrient rich fertilizer for our gardens . it is the complete cycle of a vegetable.

Where do you get parts for Soilsaver Compost Bins?

Where do you get parts for Soilsaver Compost Bin?Read more: Where_do_you_get_parts_for_Soilsaver_Compost_Bin

What would happen if we didn't have compost bins in our school?

You won't have any compost next Spring.

How do compost bins work to break down food?

compost will kill us in the near future

Are there compost bins that can be kept in the house or do they have to be kept outside?

There are certainly compost bins that can be kept in the house year round. The website "" provides composters designed for inside use.

Are the compost bins made out of durable yet eco-friendly materials?

Eco-Friendly compost tumblers and bins are made out of recycled plastics. They do this both for marketing purposes and because it's a good material for the device.

What are compost bins made of?

The outer structure can be made of anything. Most people just start a pile of compost in an area they can easily reach. Any organic materials can be added to a compost heap.