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give it water

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Q: What do you do if a money plant starts drying out?
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The Artichoke Cactus is a prickly plant. It starts with the letter A.

What happens when your BROCCOLI starts flowering right after you plant them?

This is called shooting and means the plant is trying to set seed. This is caused by some kind of system shock during growth, like drying out or being frosted, anything that makes the plant think it will not survive so it takes a shortcut to the seed producing stage.

What is a plant tha starts with the letter l?

A plant that starts with the letter l is, lamium.

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He starts off by drying it, then he sometimes straightens it and does funny things with it! :)

What does a plant begin as?

a plant starts out as a seedling

How much water do you give your thyme plant daily?

How often you water your thyme plant totally depends upon how it is planted. If your thyme is growing in the garden, then once per week is enough. If it is in a container, you will need to water it as the potting soil starts drying out. This will depend upon the size of the container and its location.

What plant starts with the letter u?

Urginea is a plant. Ursinia is a plant.

What rigid boundary helps to keep plants from drying out?

A plant's cuticle, which is a waxy layer on the surface of leaves and stems, helps to limit water loss by creating a barrier that prevents excessive evaporation. It acts as a waterproof barrier, protecting the plant from drying out and conserving moisture within the plant tissues.

What plant starts with Z?

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What waxy outer layer keeps a plant from drying out?

The waxy later that keeps plants from drying out is called the waxy cuticle. Essentially this also acts to keep the plants waterproof. It keeps the plants from getting too much water, and also keeps the water from escaping too fast.