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Q: What do plants leaves contain that they are all green?
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What pigment makes the leaves of plants green in color?

Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes the leaves of plants green in color. It plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to produce their food.

Do ferns contain chlorophyll-?

Chlorophyll makes the leaves in the plant green, since a fern is green, and has leaves, it contains chlorophyll. yes. all plants contain chlorophyll. it is found in the chloroplast of a plant cell, and is a pigment that reflects the color green.

Does lettuce contain chloroplast?

Yes, lettuce leaves contain chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are the organelles in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. This is why lettuce and other green plants are able to produce their own food.

Are plants green cause plants contain chlorophyll?

No not all plants are green

Does all green plants have leaves?


Do most plants leaves appear green because they abosrb green light?

Most plants appear green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which absorbs red and blue light well, but reflects green light. This reflection of green light is what gives plants their green color.

Why are leaves greens?

Leaves are green because the cells form which they are made contain structures called chloroplasts which are filled with a green coloured chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs all the light which is not green and uses the energy in this light to make sugars. Thus the green leaves of plants make the food that plants need to grow (and which animals get when they eat plants).

Do all flowering plants have green leaves?

yes they should have green leaves. Green leaves are green because they have chlorophyll which is needed for flowers.

Do all green leaves contain chlorophyll?


Does photosynthesis occurs in plants having red and brown leaves?

Yes, photosynthesis can occur in plants with red and brown leaves. Even though the pigments in these leaves (such as anthocyanins and tannins) may absorb different wavelengths of light compared to green chlorophyll, they can still facilitate photosynthesis by capturing light energy for the plant.

Are all plants green?

No, not all plants are green. Some plants, like succulents and certain flowers, can have different colored leaves or blooms. Additionally, some plants have variegated leaves with patterns of different colors.

Why is grass green in color?

All plants contain the molecule Chlorophyll which is used by most plants in the process of photosynthesis. This Chlorophyll molecule absorbs Red and Blue light to use the energy from these wavelengths leaving green light to be reflected. It is this reflected green light that makes the leaves of plants look green.