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The answer is Broom Corn. The plant looks just like a regular sweet corn plant but does not develop any ears. The upper stold become thin and enlongated and seed heads are fromed. With the wind the sedd are spread or you can collect them for next year. Dry out the stop stalks and make your own broom.

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10y ago

A decorative plant that looks like a corn stalk is called a Dracaena. It is about four feet tall and has bushy green leaves.

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Q: What decorative plant looks like a corn stalk?
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I am looking for the name of the plant that looks like a corn stalk but it grows tall tassle like plant stalk at the top instead of corn? I thought it was surjourn or something like that.

What is a corn stalk?

Individual corn (maize) stalks have both female and male plant parts, so there is no such thing as "male corn stalk".

What is the main stem of a corn plant called?

what kind of stem would you find in a corn plant

Main stem of a corn plant?

Called a Stalk

Is a corn stalk a producer consumer or decomposer?

No. Corn is a plant, thus it's a producer.

Is canna a long time shrub?

Canna is not a shrub. The plant may grow to seven feet tall but it is an annual plant in climates that have freezing temperatures. The tubers need to be lifted after first frost. The stalks have very decorative leaves and the stem is similar to a corn stalk.

What is a stalk of corn?

1. The entire above-ground portion of a corn plant, including the stem, the leaves, the ear(s), and tassel. Example: "Julie placed a stalk of corn on her front porch for an autumn decoration." 2. The main stem of the corn plant, as distinct from its other parts. Example: "Brad found some lesions on the corn stalk which were not apparent on the leaves or roots."

What is canna?

Canna is a lily like plant that has a stem much like a corn stalk.

Will a corn stalk grow again next year?

No. Corn is an annual grass, no matter where it is grown, not a perennial. Once corn is harvested the stalks will never regrow back into a corn plant. A stalk is dead plant material, just like with any other grass that is grazed or harvested for hay or silage. It is the tillers of a grass plant that are what make it seem like a stalk of grass is growing back, but not the stalk itself. Corn does not have these tillers, not like its wilder cousins or ancestors, which means they are unlikely to grow back again next year.Seeds from corn may grow into corn plants, but they won't be as good nor as vibrant or vigorous as the corn that was deliberately planted.

What is the average corn stalk height?

the average height of a corn stalk is about 7 ft tall

Where do corn coblettes come from?

Corn Stalk

Show a picture of millet growing?

The plant looks like a short corn stalk with spikes growing from it that look like cat tails (the plant that grows in marshy ground). The spikes have tiny seeds all over it.