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the Inuit people do not grow crops, they hunt and fish, and trade their goods.

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Q: What crops or goods did the Inuit grow?
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What did the inuit grew?

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Little precipitation, no growth(of food) so can't grow crops IF YOU KNOW MORE PLZ HELP!

What goods did the Ubaidian people produce?

it produced people to go in the wild and to grow crops

What types of vegetation do the Inuits grow?

the inuit people grow potatoes, carrots and peas

The inuit are successful farmers?

Farming is difficult at best in the north. The short growing season does not allow for many crops and the land is not suitable for agriculture. Small personal gardens are sometimes used to grow quick salad crops during summer.

Are Inuit successful farmers?

Farming is difficult at best in the north. The short growing season does not allow for many crops and the land is not suitable for agriculture. Small personal gardens are sometimes used to grow quick salad crops during summer.

Inuit hybridcross German Shepard what height will they grow to?

No bigger than the Inuit dog.

What is grow crops?

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How do crops grow?

To grow crops you need sun and water over time the crops will grow. Don't give the crops too much water or sunlight or it will overflow.....

What animals do you grow crops for?

we grow crops for cows,goats etc...

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