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Apples, Citrus fruits, pumpkins and other gourds, corn...

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Q: What crop grow in autumn season in India?
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wheat will not grow cause its not a favorable climate for the crop to grow

What crop do Chembakolli people grow?

Chembakolli is a village in the south of India. They grow their own crops for food such as rice, onions, tomatoes, peppers and Oranges. Their commercial crop is tea.

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Orange Grass grows in Autumn.

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If the hair follicle is damaged the eyelash will probably not grow back. Some people cut their eyelashes or use a conditioner like Vaseline to help the lashes grow faster, but this has varied results. Lashes like hair grow at their own rate, you can't make them grow faster.

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What fruits and vegetables are grown in India during rainy season?

Rice crop as it requires a lot of water in its initial period of growth.

What season apples grow in?

fall Apples start to grow in the spring and are usually ready to pick at the end of summer or early autumn (fall)

Can you grow green beans twice in one season?

Possibly, but the second crop will not be good unless you totally re-fertilise your soil. Ideally they should follow a grain crop.

What season do apples grow in?

Apples typically grow in the fall season. They are usually harvested from late summer to early winter, depending on the variety of apple.

What season do pears grown in?

Pears, like apples, start in Spring, grow during Summer, and are ready to pick in the very first part of Autumn. So the answer is, Spring, Summer, and Fall (Autumn).

What makes a crop into cash crop?

When you sell that crop or grow it to sell