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They are lavae of insects

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Q: What could cause something that looks like white rice to form on the leaves and surrounding soil of a hydrangea?
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Are hydrangea leaves toxic to children?

Yes. Hydrangea contains hydrangin, which is a cyanogenic glycoside: a chemical compound that, when activated, releases hydrogen cyanide.Since the taste of the plant is unpleasant, a child is unlikely to consume a deadly amount; however, even minor toxicity may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. All in all, it's wise to keep hydrangea away from young children who are still exploring by putting things in their mouths.

What is the meaning of if nothing touches the palm leaves they do not rustle?

It is a cause and effect situation. A cause (the wind blowing the palm leaves) and an affect (the palm leaves rustle). What this is saying is "if you don't want something to happen, don't cause it to happen.

What to do about Leaf spot on annabelle hydrangea?

To treat leaf spot on Annabelle hydrangea, prune affected leaves and improve air circulation around the plant. Remove and destroy heavily infected leaves. Apply a fungicide labeled for leaf spot diseases, following the instructions carefully. Water the plant at the base to prevent splashing water on the foliage, and avoid overhead watering.

What is the name of tumors that form damage surrounding tissue?

Invasive tumors can cause damage to surrounding tissues.

What process will cause the oxygen to leave the blood?

Oxygen leaves the blood through the process of diffusion across the alveoli in the lungs into the bloodstream. This occurs due to differences in oxygen concentration between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries surrounding them.

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Are leaves human?

Cause I make it rain on them hoes.

What is the name for tumors that form and may cause damage to surrounding tissue?


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he meaning of shloom is Where something enter Something Into something that can cause somthing that is bad to your Something that might cause to something you dont want... DEMSTER

What does Reason for Transfer mean?

"Reason for Transfer" refers to the specific cause or purpose for moving someone or something from one location or position to another. This information is often documented to provide a clear understanding of the circumstances surrounding the transfer.

Why is grass so itchy?

Grass leaves often have rough "hairs" on them that can cause irritation to the skin. The points of the leaves are even sharp enough to cause some irritation and itchiness to the skin.