The relative purity of a color is referred to as its saturation. Saturation describes the intensity or vividness of a color, ranging from pure color (fully saturated) to mixed with gray (desaturated).
rosemary in Telugu
Rosemary is a shrub. The herb can be collected from wild rosemary or farmed rosemary.
A brownish yellow color is often referred to as "tan."
A dark red color is commonly referred to as burgundy.
The intensity or saturation of a color is referred to as its chroma. It describes how vibrant or vivid a color appears.
rosemary ke patte.
you can use fresh rosemary by making rosemary tea or by putting rosemary on some foods
Rosemary is a herb not found in India and is known as rosemary itself.
The reddish brown color is commonly referred to as "rust" or "copper."
The color pale yellow is often referred to as "pastel yellow."