The distance from Anchorage, Alaska to Palm Beach, Florida is about 6,350 km.
petrified palm wood
There was a worldwide flood
I believe you are asking if palm oil is more efficient than fossil fuels. Generally, you will not increase the miles per gallon by using palm oil rather than gasoline. However, you will be using a renewable fuel rather than a non-renewable fuel. A car or truck must be specially design for bio-diesel. Palm oil is also used for cooking so if more of it is used for fuel, there is less available for cooking. You may find very interesting information about palm oil and biofuels in the links.
You can find applications for your Palm Pilot from your phone or the Palm Pilot itself. You simply look up what application you want and pay for it and it is yours.
in a coconut
There are many places where someone could find a palm tree necklace. Websites such as overstock, zappos, Diamonds International, and My Jewelry Box, all have palm tree necklaces for sale.
In which Palm Springs complex would you find the Greg Norman golf course?
Palm trees
You can find a really great review on the Palm Treo 700WX on They really go in depth and are non-biased about their opinion.
Contact Belle Glade or Royal Palm Florida.