Goats are known to eat poison ivy and other toxic plants without experiencing ill effects. Their digestive system can break down the chemical compound in poison ivy that causes skin irritation.
birds,bugs and some snakes
It can adapt and survive almost anywhere, even in human environment and global warming.
No, you will not get poison ivy.
Yes, poison ivy produces white, waxy berries that contain seeds. The seeds are spread by birds and other animals that eat the berries and then disperse them through their droppings, aiding in the plant's reproduction.
poison ivy
Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.
Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.
trees, wild flowers, tigers, birds, poison ivy, fruits, etc.
Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.
Poison Ivy is a perennial woody weed that is native to North America. It is reproduced by seeds, which are readily dispersed by animals and birds, as well as roots.
If the poison ivy bubble is big it is not poison ivy but rather poison oak the same remities apply for ridding yourself of it