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There are three types of flowering plants. Annuals, Perennials and Bulbs.

Annuals: Need to be replanted every year. There are hardy annuals, half-hardy annuals and warm weather annuals... calendula and bachelor button / petunias and cosmos / zinnias and impatiens.

Perennials: Survive the winter months to rebloom year after year. Early blooming, Mid-season and Fall blooming varieties can make the necessity for more thought and planning in the setup of your garden. Early varieties such as: iris and blue phlox; Summer varieties include: veronicas and day lilies; and two examples of Fall varieties: chrysanthemums and purple asters.

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Q: What are two types of flowering plants give an example for each?
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Strictly, a flowering plant is an entire organism, and the flower is the reproductive organ. As an example, consider a cherry tree. The whole tree is a flowering plant and each blossom is a flower. Of course not all flowers are conspicuous.

What do flowering plants grow from?

Plants that come back each year are called perennials.

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No, warming seems to be causing flowering plants to blossom earlier each year. There is not much evidence to show that flowering is increasing, but this may be so with some species.

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The two types of plants based on how they transport water are non-vascular plants (such as mosses) that rely on diffusion and osmosis, and vascular plants (such as trees) that use specialized tissues like xylem to transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

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Conifers and flowering plants are divided into two categories: gymnosperms and angiosperms. Gymnosperms are conifers that bear naked seeds, typically in cones. Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within fruits.

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Mosses: Small, non-vascular plants with simple leaves and stems. They thrive in damp, shady areas like forests and wetlands. Ferns: Vascular plants with fronds and spores for reproduction. They prefer moist, shady environments such as forests and stream banks. Gymnosperms: Seed-producing plants with exposed seeds (cones). They do well in cool climates like coniferous forests and mountainous regions. Angiosperms: Flowering plants with enclosed seeds. They are diverse and can thrive in various conditions, from deserts to rainforests, depending on the species.

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What is the gender of tulips?

Tulips are flowering plants. As such each flower has a male and a female part. The concept of gender is therefore not appropriate.

What is clonal diversity?

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Would there be more variation in flowering plants than asexualy reproduced plants?

Most definitly. Asexually reproduced plants are clones of each others so have no genetic variation. Sexually reproduced planst combine the dominant genes from both the partent plants