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Probably pollen, leaves and flowers and maybe acorn

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Isn't that spanish moss?

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Q: What are those stringy things that comes off oak trees in the spring?
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Are those stringy things on a banana food or part of the peel?

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What is the tagalog of good things comes to those who wait?

Ang tagalog ng "good things comes to those who wait" ay "ang mabubuting bagay ay dumarating sa mga naghihintay."

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you did, just now

Everything comes to he who waits?

"Everything comes to who he waits" simply means good things happen to those who wait- and be patient.

What can you do if you are under 21 for spring break?

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What was the name given to those who refused to ask for help?

men. especially when it comes to directions or fixing things.

Where are the seeds located on a pussy willow shrub?

A pussy willows have those soft pretty things on it in the spring. Those things are actually flowers as they develop they will turn fuzzy and fluffy and start blowing away. Each one of the little fuzzies that blow away will have a seed on it.

What is the difference between theme and them?

A theme is a topic; as in the theme of a party could be Elvis, so everyone comes dressed as Elvis. Them means those things, or those people.

Who was Described by William Henry Harrison as one of those uncommon geniuses who spring up occasionally to produce revolutions and overturn the established order of things?


What do 9 year old girls collect?

Girls are picky with lots of things but when it comes with dresses, dolls, and shoes their happy. Those are the things that make me happy too!

Is this sentence a fragment Those flowers bloom twice in the fall and the spring?

The sentence "Those flowers bloom twice in the fall and spring" is not a fragment.

Is organic remains all organic things?

Organic remains comes from animals, foods, etc. Those are examples of Organic remains. So the answer is yes they come from organic things.