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It looks like the seed pods of Liquidamber styaciflua the Sweet Gum.

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8y ago

Depends on the tree- but if they are about the size of a Golf ball, and look like the picture above, they are the seed pods from a gum tree.

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Success with keeping them off is not my area of expertise, but my neighbor has this machine called a Baganut. It picks up the balls when they fall. I tried it and it was real easy, took me a couple hours to clear up two trees worth. No bending over too. Any how, their website is Check it out.

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Is there a way to keep the balls off sweet gum trees?

Success with keeping them off is not my area of expertise, but my neighbor has this machine called a Baganut. It picks up the balls when they fall. I tried it and it was real easy, took me a couple hours to clear up two trees worth. No bending over too. Any how, their website is Check it out.

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To be honest, white is still the best. But with a lot of leaves on the ground it is very hard to find any ball if you hit it in the trees.

What happens to trees in fall?

Trees in the Fall they find Morther Nature! It's a wouderful view.

Why do gumballs have spikes?

The spikes on these gumballs serve a purpose. They allow the seeds to carried away by animals! The seeds stick to the animals fur and they can be carried far and wide, when they fall off they can create new sweetgum trees.