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You need to attend a proper Pesticide Applicator Training session to learn all of the safety rules, because there are too many to list here. However, the bare-bones basics are:

  • Read and understand all of the pesticide label so that you know the proper rate to use and what pests that chemical will control
  • Wear proper protective clothing (chemical-proof gloves, boots, overalls, hat, eye protection and respirator (if needed)
  • Ensure the application equipment is in good working order and is properly calibrated to apply the correct rate of pesticide
  • If spraying (not all pesticides are sprayed onto the target), ensure that the wind will not cause the pesticide to drift to a non-target area
  • Make sure that all other people, pets, and livestock cannot enter the treated area until the re-entry period has lapsed
  • If treating a food crop, do not harvest any of the crop until the label says it's okay

If you plan to apply pesticides of any kind yourself, make sure you get the proper training so that you can do it safely for yourself and for your family.

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Q: What are the safety rules while using pesticides?
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