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Q: What are the mame parts of a flower seed?
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What are the three main parts of a flower seed?

root, stem, leave

What are the parts of the flower invoved in pollination?

The male sex organ parts create the pollen. The carpal is the female part of the flower. Inside the carpel is the ovary where the seed forms.

What is the function of the parts of the flower that is the style stigma anther pollen pistil and egg?

Flowers are the reproductive parts of the flower. The male parts produce pollen and the egg takes in the pollen and creates seed.

What do female cones and rhe female parts of a flower reproduce?

They produce flowers, fruit, and/or seed.

What part of a flower produced pollen?

There are two parts of a flower that produces pollen. The two parts are the stalk and the top of the flower.

What is flower seed called?

A seed flower is called an ovule

What is flower fertililzation?

Flower fertilization is when the pollen gets into the female parts of the flower and the seeds start to form. Each ovule or egg needs some pollen to form a seed.

Do mocots and dicots look different?

Yes, monocots and dicots look different in terms of their seed structure, leaf vein arrangement, and flower parts. Monocots typically have one cotyledon (seed leaf), parallel leaf venation, and flower parts in multiples of three; while dicots usually have two cotyledons, netted leaf venation, and flower parts in multiples of four or five.

What is it called when bees carry pollen to another flower?

This process is called pollination. Bees transfer pollen from the male parts of one flower to the female parts of another flower, which is essential for fertilization and seed production in many plants.

How do you get a seed out of a flower?

it depends on the flower

Why is jellyfish considered as flower of the seed?

never heard of it being called "Flower of the Seed" but as for "Flower of the Sea" it is because it resembles a flower.

What is the fate of flowers parts after fertilisation?

The flower drops off and allows the seed forming process to take place.