A recalcitrant seed is a seed that does not survive drying and cannot tolerate low temperatures for storage. These seeds need to be kept moist and at a specific temperature for successful preservation. Due to their sensitivity, recalcitrant seeds have a shorter shelf life compared to orthodox seeds.
Avocado produces recalcitrant seeds.
Recalcitrant: "Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority" (Wiktionary.org). Along these lines, every vegetable including courgette is dangerously recalcitrant.
The defenders attempted to round up the recalcitrantattackers.The owners had to separate the recalcitrant dogs to keep them from fighting.The recalcitrant truants were eventually sent to reform school.
It is a adjective describing something/someone who is stubbornly disobedient.
Recalcitrant organic compounds are chemical substances that are resistant to degradation through natural processes, such as microbial decomposition or chemical breakdown. These compounds can persist in the environment for long periods of time, posing potential risks to ecosystems and human health. Examples include certain pesticides, plastics, and some industrial chemicals.
Common examples of dicot seeds include beans, peas, tomatoes, and sunflower seeds. Dicot seeds usually have two cotyledons, or seed leaves, that provide nutrients for the developing embryo plant.
A type of bal that can't be degraded.
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