It is food crop.
jowar,bajra,wheat is the major crop of gujarat.
in armoor in nizamabad dist
Some varieties of Jowar are grown in Khariff season (ie from say may to september) and certain other in rabi (october to december).
India is the largest producer of jowar (sorghum) in the world. It is a staple crop in many parts of India and is widely grown for food and fodder purposes.
In Tamil, jowar is called "சோளம்" (sorghum).
Jowar (Cholam)
cash-crops: cotton, castor, cumin food crops: paddy, wheat, maize, bajra, jowar, gram, tur vegetables: brinjal, tomatos, onions, potato fruits: ber, banan, mango, chikoo, papaya
jowar called as jonnalu
jowar grows in which indian states
jowar is called tide in english .
the chemicals in crop dusting can go into the water that you drink and ya...