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in singapore:

5 common shrubs:

1. spider lily

2. bi-colored excoecaria

3. dwarf lemon

4. golden dewdrop

5. ixora

5 common climbers:

1. bougainvillea

2. morning glory

3. money plant

4. golden Trumpet

5.dragon scales

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13y ago
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15y ago

This would depend on what State, Country, Region and climate your in, one such common planting is:

The toothache tree (Xanthoxylum Americanum).

For more information please see related link below.

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14y ago

Depends entirely where you live and what the climate is like in the area.

Plants that are used in one country or even in one part of a country cannot simply be grown with the same ease in another country (or even part of the same country).

Plants which are normally used for this have to be hardy, adaptable to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions, tolerate excess or exposed areas (wind, rain, snow or drought). Be vandal proof as well as tolerate infrequent watering and fertiliser applications.

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14y ago

morning glory

In Arizona:

shrub: Texas Ranger, Rocky Mountain Laurel, Red Bud/Bird of Paradise, prickly pear and other cacti, jojoba, manzanita, creosote

climbers: purple lantana (more of a ground cover), hearts and flowers, primroses

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9y ago

Common climbing plants include climbing roses, morning glory, trumpet vine, clematis, kiwi vine, chocolate vine, and climbing hydrangea.

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Q: What are the common names of five shrubs and five climbers commonly used for planting along roadsides or parks?
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