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All mushrooms are short-lived even though all aren't fast-growing. Although often thought to be of little nutritional value, many mushrooms in fact are sources of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Before synthetics, mushrooms were the source of dyes, in all the colors of the spectrum, for wool and other natural fibers. Some mushrooms are edible; and others are medicinal, psychedelic, or toxic. They have spores instead of seeds.

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H. C. Bels-Koning has written: 'Mushroom terms in five languages' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Mushroom culture, Polyglot, Polyglot Dictionaries 'Mushroom terms' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Mushroom culture, Polyglot, Polyglot Dictionaries

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Flippant answer: Yes, eat some and find out. Correct answer: No, it can be very difficult. Never eat a mushroom if you are unsure of its identity. In fact, don't eat things you have not identified without the help of an experienced mushroom collector.

How the mushroom differ from the other living things?

by being fun guys.

What are the brown mushroom things in Mario games?

they're called goombas

How are mushroom and seaweeds alike?

Both are living things.

Are the things you can do to make your mushroom head bigger?

Your mushroom head is big enough, and no, you can't make it bigger (although there are lots of people who have phony enlargement schemes to sell you). Sex is not about size.

What are facts about the mushroom?

.1 fact mushroom .2 fact mushroom .3 fact mushroom i did .3 facts about mushroom .1 fact mushroom .2 fact mushroom .3 fact mushroom ha ha ha