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it hurts the plant

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Q: What are effects of water pollution aquatic plants?
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What is the effect of environmental pollution and air pollution?

*It causes many diseases like Asthmas lungs cancer etc*By water pollution water will become very impure & it effects the life of aquatic animals & many aquatic animals will die also.*It effects the growth & development of plants

What are effects of water pollution?

Water pollution can have many negative effects including killing aquatic animals, causing humans to become ill, disrupting food-chains, and destroying ecosystems.

How do nuclear power plants contribute to thermal pollution?

Nuclear power plants contribute to thermal pollution by releasing heated water back into the environment after being used to cool their systems. This heated water can raise the temperature of the receiving water body, which can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and harm aquatic life.

How does industrialization affect the oxygen producers in water?

Industrialization can have detrimental effects on oxygen producers in water, such as algae and aquatic plants, by introducing pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides, and excess nutrients into the water. These pollutants can disrupt the oxygen production process, leading to reduced oxygen levels in the water which can harm aquatic ecosystems and organisms. Additionally, industrial activities like discharges of hot water can increase water temperature, further reducing the oxygen content in aquatic environments.

What are some of the effects of water pollution on the earth?

Water pollution can harm aquatic ecosystems, disrupt food chains, and endanger aquatic wildlife. It can also affect human health through contaminated drinking water and the consumption of polluted fish or seafood. Additionally, water pollution can degrade water quality, making it unsuitable for recreational activities and reducing the availability of clean water resources for agriculture and other purposes.

What is aquatic plants?

The plants that grow in water are called aquatic plants. for e.g. Lotus, Water hyacinth, Water Lily etc.

How can pollution affect the level of oxygen in water?

The concentration of oxygen in waters decreases.

Can thermal pollution reduce the oxygen supply in an aquatic ecosystem?

Yes, thermal pollution can reduce the oxygen supply in an aquatic ecosystem. When water temperatures increase, the solubility of oxygen decreases, resulting in lower oxygen levels in the water. This can have harmful effects on aquatic organisms that depend on oxygen to survive, leading to decreased biodiversity and potentially causing fish kills.

Effect of water pollution on biodersity?

Water pollution can have detrimental effects on biodiversity by contaminating habitats, reducing water quality, and disrupting food chains. Pollutants can harm aquatic organisms directly or indirectly impact their health and reproduction, leading to a decline in species diversity and abundance. Additionally, water pollution can alter ecosystem dynamics, causing long-term damage to aquatic ecosystems and overall biodiversity.

Why is it important to nz to manage water pollution?

It's important because we drink it to survive. 75% of our bodies are composed of water, and if we drink polluted water, we will die! lock these words in your mind and nobody dies of pollution.

An abstract investigatory project in ecosystem?

Title: "Investigating the Impact of Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems" Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the effects of pollution on the health and diversity of aquatic ecosystems. Through water quality assessments, biodiversity surveys, and analysis of pollutant levels, we will investigate how pollution disrupts the balance of these ecosystems. The findings will provide valuable insights into the importance of preserving these environments and implementing measures to mitigate pollution's detrimental effects.

What are the effects of the different types of environment degradation?

the effects are land pollution ,water pollution, and air pollution.