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Q: What are beans classified as?
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Are pinto beans classified as a fruit?

they are classified as a legume

What are beans corns and peas classified as?

They are considered vegetables. Beans are protein; depending on what kind, they are legumes. Corn is a starch.

Are baked beans a pulse?

Baked beans are classified as a pulse. Other types of pulse foods include edible beans, dried peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

Is a bean a fruit or vegetable?

Beans are classified as legumes because they are dry fruit that grow in pods. From a botanist stand point, beans can be considered a fruit because they have seeds.

Are mung beans a vegetable?

Mung beans are not considered vegetables; they are classified as legumes. Legumes are seeds of plants in the Fabaceae family, which includes beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts.

Are string beans a legume?

Green beans, string beans or snap beans are the unripe fruit and protective pods of various cultivars of the common bean. Technically beans are neither fruit nor a vegetable. Beans are classified as legumes, a type of plant that produces edible fruits and seeds. The long thin pod is the fruit of the legume while the small round ball inside is the seed.

What is the classification of beans?

Beans are classified as legumes, which are plants whose fruit is enclosed in a pod. They belong to the Fabaceae family and are further categorized into different species based on their characteristics and uses, such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and lentils.

What beans grow fast in light?

i say lima beans, then butter beans. lima beans, Castro beans, and green beans

What do cowboys eat on the trail?

Jelly beans, gorilla beas, porquipine beans, bee beans, orange beans, baked beans (only heinz of course), lorax beans, cupcake beans, roasted beans, poached beans, pig beans, scabby beans, beacon beans, boat beans, beard beans (baked beans dipped in the cowboy's closest friend's beard), armadillo beans and ben beans (invented by famous cowboy ben pratchett). Hope this helps! :-)

All animal proteins are classified as?

Animal proteins are classified as complete proteins because they contain all essential amino acids required by the body. These amino acids are necessary for various bodily functions, including muscle growth and repair.

What is a group of baked beans called?

A crock of beans, a pot of beans, a bowl of beans, a serving of beans.

What is the collective noun for beans?

Collective nouns for beans are a hill of beans or a can of beans.