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It wAs called poinsettia.

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Q: The poinsettia was called cuitlaxochitl by the Aztecs?
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What does the word cuitlaxochitl mean?

Cuitlaxochitl is a Nahuatl word that translates to "flower of the dead" or "marigold" in English. It is used in reference to the traditional Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations where marigolds are used to honor deceased loved ones.

What does cuitlaxochitl mean?

The Aztecs who spoke Nahuatl, the most widely-spoken group of Native American languages in Mexico or in North America, called the plant Cuitlaxochitl meaning excrement flower. The Aztecs who spoke Nahuatl, the most widely-spoken group of Native American languages in Mexico or in North America, called the plant Cuitlaxochitl meaning excrement flower.

What is a saying about a poinsettia?

A poinsettia is a Mexican flower. It is called the "Crown of the Andes". It is a popular Christmas decoration as well.

What is the poinsettia is called in Mexico?

the fire plant

What is the flower for Noche Buena?

in English is called "poinsettia" in spanish is called:"pascua"

What were the Aztecs called?


What is the red Christmas flower called beginning with p?


Is poinsettia French?

The plant poinsettia is called the same in French, but the name comes from Joel Roberts Poinsett, an American physician, botanist, and statesman. (link goes to his wikipedia article)

What are the nutritional values of poinsettia?

what are nutritional values of poinsettia?

Where does the poinsettia originate from?

The poinsettia plant originates from Mexico.

Did the Aztecs have writing?

Yes. The Aztecs did have writing.

How do you spell poinsettia in french?

Poinsettia is spelled the same in French.