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Rain will not hurt a compost pile, unless it floods. In order for a compost pile to decompose and form compost, it is necessary to keep it from drying out. Rain will assist you in this activity.

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12y ago

I am pretty sure you do close the compost bin, unless, obviously, you need to put more vegetation in it or mixing, this is usually to keep pests out (birds possums e.t.c) and to keep the soil moist.

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What are the layers of a compost bin?

There shouldn't be layers in your bin. It should be all mixed up together.

Why would it be bad to have a compost bin?

If the owner is too busy or uninformed or if the community has regulations which do not accommodate composting then it would be bad to have a compost bin. For example, a compost bin ideally should be attractive, durable, and stationary (but mobile if need be) to not constitute an eyesore.

How much grass should i put in a compost bin?

As much as your heart desires.

How does a compost bin work?

the compost turns into monkeys

A compost bin will turn organic waste into?

A compost bin will turn organic waste into natural fertilizer.

What happens to organic matter in compost bin?

Organic matter in a compost bin decomposes as a result of bacteria action.

What it is a compost bin?

A bin that is used when composting manure and vegetation.

What is the orange mold growing in your kitchen compost bin?

If you have orange mold growing in your kitchen compost bin, you need to take your compost out. Mold is hot healthy to have in your house.

How can you stop plants that are growing in your compost bin?

You Should Uproot Them So That They Won't Grow Again

What is dead plants or animal matter that can be used in places like compost bin?

No dead animal matter is suitable for a compost bin.

Can a frog live in my compost bin?

Can i live in your compost bin? please... I'll pay rent unlike that good for nothing frog

I need a nice table top compost bin where can you find this?

A table top compost bin does not sound like a very good idea unless the table is located outside. Compost involves the fermentation and decay of organic material and that usually produces some unpleasant odors, although when the bin is outside, the odor of a healthy bin is not objectionable. You may be thinking of a worm compost bin. These can be kept in the kitchen and should not be smelly. You can find these at many Garden centers or online. I got mine from