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seed dispersal

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Q: Removing the flowers stigma would initially affect?
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Related questions

Why flowers without the stigma cannot reproduce?

no, flowers without stigma can not reproduce

Who do you think the stigma is sticky?

Wind pollinated flowers have sticky stigma

Which flower thus stigma feel sticky?

Wind pollinated flowers have sticky stigma

Can flowers reproduce without stigma?

Yes flowers can reproduce with out stigma. To overcum self -iincompatibility in many Brassicas, the stigma is cliped away at the flower bud stage. the process of intra-ovarion fertilization also does not require the presence of stigma.

What flower does the stigma feels sticky?

Sticky stigma is generally present in wind pollinated flowers.

Where do hummingbirds pick up the pollen from flowers?


Why is flowers stigma sticky?

to catch pollen ---> novanet

Can flowers with stamen reproduce?

no they cant ,because they actually don't have seeds but stigma's do so the stigma's reproduce the plant not the stamen.

How can a stigma affect your health?

how can a stigima affect your health risk?

Which part of the flowers do pollen tubes start to develop?

On the stigma of the carpel

Why is it necessary for the stigma of gumamela flower to be sticky?

The stigma of the pistil on all flowers is generally sticky. This allows the pollen stuck to insects to stick to the stigma. This helps facilitate the sexual reproduction for that plant.

A what is the female reproductive structures of flowers?

The Gynoecium comprising of the stigma, style and ovary.