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Many items are made of pine, rather than some other wood, because pine is cheaper. I can't say exactly why it is so, perhaps pine trees are the most common, or the easiest to harvest, but I know that it is. On a similar note, many things that used to be made of pine have been slowly transitioning to even cheaper products such as plastics.

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15y ago

the front part of the guitar wich has the hole in it are mostly made from the finest pines.

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11y ago

Pine is a natural product. -Nature makes it for us in trees called 'pines'.

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What is the possessive form of the word pine?

The possessive form for the noun pine is pine's.Example: The pine's branches made it easy to climb; the pine's sap made it messy to climb.

What are things made of pine?

pine can make Baseball bats and houses.

What things are made of pine wood?

pine can make baseball bats and houses.

Is it in the bible about why the pine tree crosses are on the tree?

Sir, it is the new things for me the cross by made pine tree. it is very beautiful answer Thank you

How pine is made?

Pine is not 'made' it is grown, pine wood is the product of pine trees.

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they are made from pine

Do pine trees have single cells?

No, pine trees are multicellular organisms. They are made up of various types of cells that work together to support the tree's growth and functions. Each cell within a pine tree has a specific role in carrying out processes such as photosynthesis, water transport, and structural support.

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Howard Pine's birth name is Pine, Howard Benjamin.

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A scientific name can describe an organism's genus, species, and sometimes subspecies. It provides a standardized way to identify and classify the organism based on its characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

What is a Christmas tree made of?

Generally, a Christmas tree is a pine tree. However, Christmas trees can be made from many different things. There are ceramic Christmas trees, artificial trees made from plastic and metal, trees made from feathers, ribbons, pine cones, fabric, etc.

What is Chris Pine's real name?

His full name is Christoper Whitelaw Pine.

What is the Latin name for a pine tree?

the Latin name for a pine tree is pinus.