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Yes, in case of Pinus pollen producing cones (male cones) and seed producing cones (female cones) are present on the same plant. Such plants are called monoecious.

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Q: Is there pollen cones and seed cones on the same trees?
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How are pollen cones and seed cones are different?

Seed cones (female cones) are much larger than pollen cones (male cones).

What is difference between seed cones and pollen cones?

Pollen cones are the male pollen-producing cones, and seed cones are the female seed-producing cones in conifer trees.Seed cones are gymnosperms, which means the seeds are not enclosed within an ovary (in Greek, gymno is naked).

How are pollen cones and seed cones different?

Pollen cones produce and release pollen grains, which are male gametes. Seed cones contain ovules that get fertilized by pollen to develop into seeds. Pollen cones are smaller and produce pollen whereas seed cones are larger and produce seeds.

Where gymnosperms produce all their sex cells?

In cones, female cones produce the seed and male cones produce the pollen

How do pine trees seed if there are no cones?

They don't.

How do you use Coniferous?

Trees that have seed cones, such as pine trees, are coniferous trees.

Sticky secretion on the scales of seed cones traps?

Insects, helping with pollination and dispersal of seeds.

Austrian pine trees do not have pine cones how do they seed?

The Austrian pine Pinus nigra carries cones that bear the seeds, therefore, no cones, no seed.

Conifers produce what in cones?

Seed are produced in the cones. The female cone contains ovules which, when fertilized by pollen, become seeds.

How does a juniper tree reproduce?

Juniper trees reproduce by seeds. Male and female cones can grow on the same tree. The male cones release pollen and fertilize the female cones, which then develop into berries. The seeds have evolved to survive being eaten and digested by animals. Stomach acid wears down a coating on the seed so it can germinate after being excreted.

What is the term used to describe trees that produce their seed in cones?


Do male palm trees produce seed?

No, male palm trees produce pollen instead of seeds. Pollen is necessary for fertilizing female palm trees, which then produce seeds.