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kill it. other wise no.

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Q: Is there a way to stop a plum tree from producing fruit?
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Related questions

How does a plum grow?

A plum starts out as a single seed in the center of the protective plum fruit. After germination the tree will grow to about 3 feet in the first year. It will start producing fruit in 5 to 10 years depending on the variety and growing conditions.

What is a decorative red plum tree with no fruit called?

"Decorative" when describing fruit trees, means no fruit. It is called a decorative Red Plum tree.

Plum in a sentence?

The plum tree in our backyard is heavy with ripe fruit.

What is a plute fruit?

A plute fruit tree is a tree that is a mix between a Plum and Apricot tree

When does the plum tree bear its fruit?

Plum trees typically bear fruit in late summer to early fall, depending on the variety of plum and the climate in which it is grown.

Can you eat the fruit from the krauter vesuvius purple leaf plum tree?

Yes, you can eat the fruit from the Krauter Vesuvius Purple Leaf Plum tree. The fruit is edible and can be used in jams, jellies, and baking. Just make sure it is ripe before consuming.

Is a plum tree an angiosperm or a gymnosperm?

A plum tree is an angiosperm because it produces seeds enclosed in a fruit. Gymnosperms, on the other hand, have seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit.

How can you stop lemon tree that dropping the fruit?

The lemon tree is dropping the fruit of the tree

What is greengage?

It is a light green, edible plum like fruit, that grows on a similar tree

How do you stop wasps eating fruit on peartrees and plumtrees and?

To stop wasps from eating on pear and plum trees you can dust the trees with a non-toxic insecticide. You can also make a liquid mixture of chamomile oil and water to spray on the tree, drenching the tree and limbs thoroughly.

What is the small yellow edible plum like fruit of an Asian evergreen tree called?


Why are you not getting plums from your plum tree?

The plum is one of those fruits that perform best when there is another variety nearby for cross-pollination. Otherwise, the tree will either have no fruit or fruit that is small and bitter. Also, keep in mind that there are "flowering plums" that are grown only for their spring beauty and do not produce any fruit.