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Q: Is the verb is related in the following sentence transitive or intransitive It is related to wheat oats and barley?
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How do you use intransitive in a sentence?

Intransitive verbs do not have an object. The doctors are studying pain and other intransitive bodily sensations. (Here the word, like the verbs, means not related directly to a objective sensation --warmth, pressure -- but completely subjective, because it can be localized but not objectivized.)

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The noun "group" in Zulu is iqembu, iqoqo, ixuku or isixuku. A music group is ibhendi. "Group" (intransitive verb) is -hlangana or -qoqana. "Group" (transitive verb) is -hlanganisa.See the Related Link for "" to the bottom for the answer.

Can you give me an example of the transitive property?

A transitive property is one where, if a is related to b, and b to c, a is therefore related to c in some way. An example of this would be height. If a is bigger than b, and b is bigger than c, a must be bigger than c. Thus, height is a transitive property.

Is migrate an intransitive verb?

Traditionally, "migrate" is considered to be an intransitive verb; that is, it cannot be used with an object. However, in the world of software development, it has become commonplace to use the term as a transitive verb to refer to the process of moving software systems, code, or data objects from one computer to another, often entailing a significant amount of work to get the items that have been moved to operate as intended in the new environment. Traditionalists may frown on this usage, but it seems here to stay. See related link.

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See the t-shirt below in the Related Links, and then read the following answer:As with the popular and oft copied/parodied "I

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Boldface is the transitive verb for bold, such as italicize is the transitive verb for italic. Some might think it is embolden however it would only be applicable if you are using the word bold as in brave, not as it related to print formating.

How do you use the word begoted in a sentence?

You don't! There is no such word.The infinitive is to beget. It is an irregular transitive verb, and also archaic.The various forms of beget are* begot, or begat (past simple), * begotten(past participle) * begetting (present continuous)For more information see Related links below this box.

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21 syllables and come over to my house and get me pregnant

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What is the meaning of auditory in the following sentence Scientists have studied the effects of aging on the auditory abilities of the elderly.?

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