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Q: Is tamarack a hardwood
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Is tamarack a soft or hardwood?

Tamarack, otherwise known as larch, is a softwood. Softwood species are normally evergreen trees with needles and cones, conifers. Tamarack is a conifer but it is deciduous, loses its needles each fall like a hardwood.

When did Tamarack Review end?

Tamarack Review ended in 1982.

When was Tamarack Microelectronics created?

Tamarack Microelectronics was created in 1987.

When was Tamarack Camps created?

Tamarack Camps was created in 1902.

What type of habitat does a tamarack tree live in?

Tamarack trees live in swampy areas

What is the difference between tamarack and a larch tree?

Nothing.....a Tamarack is the Native Indian name for a Larch tree.

What is the phone number of the Tamarack District Library in Lakeview?

The phone number of the Tamarack District Library is: 989-352-6274.

Are tamarack trees evergreen?


Where is the Tamarack District Library in Lakeview located?

The address of the Tamarack District Library is: 832 South Lincoln Avenue, Lakeview, 48850 0469

What are tamarack trees used for?

While tamarack trees are used as ornamental plants in landscaping, the wood is harvested for use where a rot resistant flexible wood is required. It is also used un making pulp for paper.

What is the English word for tamarack?

larch.Larix laricina

When was Tamarack Review created?

Tamarack Review, a Canadian literary magazine, was created in 1956 by publisher Jack McClelland and editor Peter Stevens. It was known for publishing works by prominent Canadian authors such as Margaret Atwood and Leonard Cohen.