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Yes, taking care of roses especially on a large scale is time consuming and needs constant caring.

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Q: Is taking care of roses a time consuming and constant caring?
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Are roses heterotrophs?

No, roses are not heterotrophs. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and rely on consuming other organisms for energy. Roses are autotrophs, which means they can produce their own food through photosynthesis.

Why have the roses on a yellow rose bush start blooming white roses?

You probably have the rootstock taking over and the budded variety has died.

She helped him each day by taking out the dead roses in his bush for several days.?

The ninth day she did it she was noticing that all the dead roses were black.

How many flowers are in one mole of roses?

Mole is nit an adequate unit for flowers; flowers are evaluated by the number of pieces.

What does a dozen roses mean?

They symbolize friendship and caring. Yellow roses are often given to people who are sick, having a birthday, or just a good friend. However, if they are roses with a red tip, they symbolize a friendship that is turning to love!

What is a roses adaptations aid survival?

Thorns are the most obvious adaptation of roses. The short spines on these plants help discourage plant-eating animals from consuming. Rose bushes are capable of surviving significant defoliation; they can lose most of their leaves and still survive.

What cameras are highly rated for taking pictures of roses outdoors?

For taking pictures of roses outdoors, it is best to use a camera with a macro function. A few that get high ratings are the Olympus OM-D E-M5, the Nikon D600, and the Canon EOS 6D.

What are the plants protected by thorns?

Plants protected by thorns include roses, cacti, blackberry bushes, and bougainvillea. Thorns act as a defense mechanism for these plants, deterring animals and humans from damaging or consuming them.

What does a yellow roses mean?

They are very pretty and go ahead - keep them in your yard! They are a symbol of friendship, joy, and caring. A bouquet would be a great way to say "I care" to a friend.

If I'm allergic to roses should i even take anything with rose hips in it?

If you are allergic to roses, you may also be sensitive to rose hips, as they are derived from the same plant. It is advisable to consult with an allergist or healthcare provider before consuming any product that contains rose hips to determine if it is safe for you.

What does mean when you smell flowers afters someone dies?


What is the difference between independent variable and constant?

3x-4y+4x+2 the constant is the number without a variable(+2) the variable(s) will be x and y.independent varibles will be variables standing alone,with no numbers next to it.EG 2+x.the independent variable is x