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Yes and no. If you only want to grow a little to see what it looks like, it can be as simple as throwing out a little fertilizer and sticking some seeds in the ground. However, a commercial farmer looking to maximize profit from his farm has a great many things to evaluate. A partial list:

  • Soil type(s)
  • Existing fertility level in the soil
  • Fertilizer formulation, cost, and method and timing of application
  • Seed variety and supplier(s)
  • Maintenance, upkeep, and operation cost of equipment such as tractor, planter, sprayer, and harvesting equipment
  • All kinds of pests (weeds, insects, fungi, bacteria, birds, etc.) which could damage the crop and how and whether to control them
  • Irrigation or natural precipitation
  • Evaluation of whether another crop might be more profitable

and, of course, the list goes on.

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Q: Is maize or corn an easy crop to grow?
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What early crop did both the Olmec and Maya grow?

maize (corn)

Is maize a flower?

We use to grow a crop of grain that we called maize . It did not fatten livestock as fast as corn but was easier to grow.

What is one type of crop that the Pilgrims learned to grow in the new land?

One type of crop that the Pilgrims learned to grow in the new land was corn (maize). This crop was taught to them by the indigenous people, such as the Wampanoag tribe, and became a crucial staple in their diet.

What early crop did both mesoamericans and people in north America grow?

Maize (also known as corn) was a common crop grown by both Mesoamericans and Native American tribes in North America. Its cultivation played a significant role in the development of agricultural societies in both regions.

Can maize grow on cotton soils?

"Cotton soils" are just soils with a cotton crop growing on them. They can support maize, as well. Since cotton tends to pull a lot of nutrients out of soil, before a corn (maize) crop is planted, a nitrogen fixing crop is often added to the rotation.

What foods did the Inca grow?

In the highlands the main crop they grew was potatoes. They also grew maize(corn), beans and squash.

Is maize annual or perrenial or biennial plant?

Maize, otherwise known as corn, is an annual crop. In other words, once it reaches maturity, it dies. It has to be recropped if you want to grow a second crop during the same year.

What crops did the Hopi grow?

their main crop was corn or maize same thing. they also grew beans, and squash, and other crops

How is the maize god story connected to the maize crop cycle?

The Maize god story in Mesoamerican mythology often involves a maize deity who sacrifices themselves to provide corn for the people. This sacrifice symbolizes the planting of maize seeds, which then grow to sustain the community. Through this narrative, the Maize god story is connected to the maize crop cycle, reflecting the dependence of the people on the successful growth and harvest of maize for their survival.

What foods are in the Andes?

People In The Andes Grow Their Own Crops , Potatoes Being The Main Crop Produced. Maize And Corn Are Also Very Popular.

What was corn used for in the colonial times?

Corn has is being used for trade. Also, for food.

What did the Maya grow?

primarily maize(corn)